Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lights in the Sky

On July 3rd, while leaving the Super Target up the highway, I noticed what at first I mistook for a firework show off in the distance. Once I realized that the lights were spanning an area upwards of 50 miles wide, I started to doubt my hypothesis, but still had a hard time believing it could have been lightning. However, about 20 minutes in, I finally saw an actual bolt peek out from behind the clouds and the doubts were gone.

Last night, July 10, it happened again. It had probably been going on for at least 15 or 20 minutes by the time I hit record. Over two hours later, it was still going strong in the east. I failed to check my settings, or make any adjustments, nor would it have made much of a difference, since I hardly know how to use this new camera of mine. I need to get out the instructions.

So, forgive the poor quality and use your imagination. Realize that for every flash of light or bolt of lightning you see, there were at least 3x-4x that much happening all around me, in greater clarity, detail and vibrance. I've read that Colorado ranks third in the country when it comes to lightning strikes. In the two or three weeks we've been here, I can think of maybe tw days that we haven't had lightning. It makes me wonder what it must be like in the top two states.

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