Sunday, July 19, 2009

Elizabeth Celtic Festival

Elizabeth is a tiny tiny little town about 20 miles away from us. This weekend they had their annual Celtic Festival, which looked like a huge to-do on their website but turned out to be not that big a deal once we got there. But regardless, we had some fun!
They had a few athletic competitions, including rugby, haggis toss, and some kind of weight throwing (pictured above). There were a number of merchants selling kilts, jewelry, period costumes (some beautiful outfits!), and the like, as well as some random and decided un-Celtic goods like Arbonne and jewelry for your pets. :) Down another lane were the clan booths--we found ours, the Robertson clan, and they gave Abby and PJ little containers of bubbles, which of course made Abby's day.

The Children's Fairy Glen had a bunch of craft-y things for them to do, and Abby made a crown and a shield while Penny alternately climbed on the table and scribbled on the table with markers that she somehow managed to open herself.

There was a parade of clans led by a piping band...

...but the highlight, for Abby anyway, was seeing the Irish dancing.

It's so funny--Abby is usually so shy (though she is coming out of her shell a little more these days), and hates having attention drawn to herself, and yet with every new performer that took the stage she asked us if she could go dance with them. She wanted to get up there and dance so badly! And at one point she asked when she could learn how to dance like that. I really hope I hear back from the Irish Dancing School guy soon about classes that supposedly start in August; I need to get this girl enrolled!

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