Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Littlest Dancer Goes to Dance Class

O happy day! Dance class has been the talk of the house for the last week, and finally, FINALLY PJ got to go to her first class today.

Her class is the first one of the morning, so when we got there the studio door was still closed while Miss Joy prepped for the class. We went into the foyer and got PJ's dress off (the leotard and tights went on first thing this morning) and got her shoes on, and after stowing them in the cubbies the three of us (Abby came with) went to the back of the room where there's seating in front of the studio window so we could watch PJ while she danced. We claimed a couple chairs, and when I turned around to talk to PJ, she was gone. The place isn't that big, so I was trying to figure out where she'd gotten to--when I looked in the studio room and saw she'd already let herself in! I went to get her and Miss Joy said it was alright--she was just getting ready to open the door anyway. At least my concerns about PJ changing her mind about it all at the last minute were completely unfounded!

I was also worried that if she saw me through the window she'd get upset that she couldn't get to me, but no, whenever she saw Abby or me she'd wave and then go back to whatever it was they were going. She was very focused and always paid attention to Miss Joy. There were a couple times when the other girls would get distracted and come to the window for their moms, or when they'd sort of space out in the middle of dancing--but not PJ. She was always engaged. My little dancers!

At the end she came out and started crying because she wanted to go back in. I had to bodily remove her from the studio when the other class started--she would have stayed in with those 6-year-olds if she could have! Miss Joy thanked me for bringing her and said, "I asked her what I should call her--Penelope, Penny Jane, PJ--and said, 'What name do you like?' She said, 'Um...Abby!'"That cracked me up. Poor kid gets called so many nicknames she probably didn't know what to say!

So now we're in for another week of "I want to go to dance class NOW!" But honestly, after seeing how much she loves it, I don't mind at all!

A good dancer always begins with stretches...this one seems particularly flexible!

Dancing with their fairy wands...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thank you!!!

The girls received a plethora of Target gift cards at Christmas (and Abby got two for her birthday)--so today Dan took the girls to Target while I worked and let them shop. I was really impressed with their purchases--Dan said they chose everything themselves, no parental coercion involved. :) Here they are with their selections:

After a showdown between Mom and The Packaging, we freed all the toys from their plastic prisons and twist-tie jungles and the girls played to their little hearts' contents. Lots of fun in store (though PJ has already lost the brownie from the dessert tray that comes with her singing teapot.)

So to Greena and Par, Miss Jeni and Ella, Uncle Andrew and Miss Trisha, and Uncle Kyle and Aunt Kelli--THANK YOU!!!