Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

...but the view is so delightful! And since we've no place to go (good thing, too, since we don't have a snow blower), let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

It started snowing Tuesday night. It hasn't stopped yet.

Yes--nearly 18 inches.

13 inches on the deck railing. How it stays up there so well without being blown off I don't know. And the wind is really blowing, at least now and then.

I LOVE the chair. It looks like it's holding a giant styrofoam cube.

Last night was interesting. Around 8:30 the power went out. Luckily I'm married to Dan, and within seconds he had a lantern and three kerosene lamps burning. I was trying to put PJ down at the time (Abby was already out) but she refused, so when we got downstairs Dan gave her one of those glow sticks you sometimes see kids using while trick-or-treating. She enjoyed running around with that until she finally zonked out and I put her to bed, at which point I started wondering just how cold the house would get without the heat running. We have two down comforters, and wouldn't you know they're both apparently still boxed up in the garage somewhere. *sigh* But snow is a bit insulating, as an igloo-building Eskimo will tell you, and it stayed surprisingly comfortable until the power was restored somewhere around 3am. 

My other concern was the food in the fridge, of which there's not a lot at the moment, so I knew it would all warm up pretty quickly. So we shoved all the important stuff together and surrounded it with gallon-sized Ziploc bags filled with--what else?!--snow.

By way of comparison, here are some photos we took last night before filling the Ziploc bags:

Only 9 inches last night around 9:30PM. 

I have no idea when it's supposed to stop, but I hope it's soon, if only so that we don't go completely out of our minds from being cooped up inside. We're the kind of family that goes *somewhere* every single day. Three days of the house...who knows what might happen!


  1. On the other hand, we haven't wasted any money eating out in over 48 hours! Woo Hoo! And like usual, it will warm up within a day or two, so it's not that bad.

  2. Snow started here tonight, not nearly as much as what you already have! Good thing too, because I have no idea where any supplies might be should the power go out.

    Stay warm!

  3. WOW, that is crazy! Looks like fun, I hope you don't go stir crazy.

  4. Dan. I didn't think I raised a sissy! From the looks of you in that coat, you'd think it was cold, or something! Surely not!!!

    How're Abby and PJ taking it?

  5. Abby liked the snow the first day. The third day, not so much. Not sure what changed, other than she insisted her coat was hurting her. Poor kid. Sensory issues are no fun.

    PJ definitely didn't like it the first day, but it was still snowing and windy and she didn't like getting snow in her face. And who can blame her? The third day she was toddling around and fell a few times, which she also did not like (though she fell on the snow, so it couldn't possibly have actually hurt) and in the end they both ended up going inside pretty soon after we'd come out. Oh well. It's a lot to get used to when you were born a California girl!
