Saturday, October 23, 2010

Garden of the Gods

Despite the fact that the forecast predicted rain, we decided to go down to Colorado Springs and at least check out a couple stores we wanted to see.

Pike's Peak on the drive down to Colorado Springs:

After we got there, though, the clouds cleared (never did see any rain) and we thought we might as well check out Garden of the Gods. Sooooo glad we did!

From the Visitor's Center:

First off, the Visitor's Center isn't that fantastic--unless you're a shopaholic. Then it's nirvana. Especially if you like tumbled rocks. I've never seen colors like these before, and if it weren't for the fact that they had slices of these geodes in these same colors I wouldn't have believed they were all naturally-occurring.

After we pried ourselves away from the gift shop, we drove around the road that loops through the park.

Some out-the-window shots...

...and one out-the-sunroof one:

We found the Trading Post somewhere along there, a building that was first constructed in 1929 and has been added onto multiple times since then to now house even more shopping heaven, as well as a cafe. Stopped there (of course), grabbed some fresh popcorn for the ride home, and then headed back so our very exhausted children (no nap at that point yet for PJ = not a happy camper, though the popcorn helped) didn't totally and completely melt down.

We're super excited to go back with the stroller and better shoes so we can walk the trails and do a little hiking. I'm also looking forward to going back in the snow--the red of the rocks (which these pictures do not do justice) with the white of the snow will be amazing!

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