Wednesday, July 21, 2010

And suddenly...

Out of nowhere PJ seems to have figured out how to eat. Her therapist has been so impressed with how quickly she's improving, and this week we had her 6 month review with the organization we receive therapy through, and she'd hit three of the five goals we'd set back in January! Really all that's left is working on the sensory stuff and to strengthen her jaw for chewing things like meat and carrots with her molars.

Not that the weak muscles are slowing her down now. The other night she ate 3/4 of a cup of cheesy rice (the first time she'd had it, too, which is really impressive for a sensory kid, because they typically get wigged out by foods with mixed textures) and somewhere around 4 ounces of grilled chicken! She doesn't eat that well at all meals, but every once in a while she'll have a meal like that where you start wondering if she's got two stomachs. We've got a weigh-in coming at the STAR Center next week, and I can't wait to see how much she's gained since the first week of May.

We were down to nursing only to sleep and in the middle of the night, but she's been cutting her 2 year molars, so I've let her nurse during the day a little bit, too. I wasn't sure what that would do to her eating of solids, but she'll actually sit up and ask for food when she's done, so I'm not worried now!

1 comment:

  1. Two thumbs! :) Hope everyone else in the family is well!
