Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Sensory Room

It was recommended to us by the folks at the STAR Center that PJ (and Abby, too) be enrolled in a gym class of some kind because muscle input can help with sensory issues. We looked into them and realized we'd be spending around $100 a month if both of them took classes, and that just seemed a little nuts. So we started thinking about it and doing a little research, and decided to build our own sensory room in the basement.

The STAR Center gave us a ton of handouts and recommendations for stuff to put down there. Jumping is a big help with sensory stuff, so we decided to go all out. For PJ's birthday we bought this:

Needless to say, this has been a big hit today.

And speaking of PJ, her language is growing by leaps and bounds. This is a conversation she had with Dan after her first round in the bouncy house. Dan was in the kitchen making a snack, and PJ was sitting on the floor watching TV. Out of nowhere she says...

P: I love my bouncy house daddy!

D: You do?

P: Ya! Thank you daddy.

D: You’re welcome darling.

P: Daddy hugs?

D: You want a hug?

P: Uhh. (This is her version of yes.)

D: Of course honey.

[wonderful hugging]

P: Happy Birthday daddy.

D: Well, it’s your birthday honey. Happy Birthday to you. Your birthday is Friday.

P: We have a party?

D: Sure we’ll have a party.

P: Hats?

D: You want hats?

P: Uhh.

D: Sure. I think we can find some hats.

P: Thank you daddy.


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