Thursday, January 21, 2010


PJ got the stomach flu yesterday. :( She was fine in the morning; we went down to the Focus on the Family welcome center to play in the kid area with some friends that live down in Colorado Springs (where FOTF is located) and she did great. She melted down at the end of the morning, but I thought it was just because she was desperate for a nap; she was asleep before we got to the freeway, which is about 2 minutes from FOTF. She slept the whole way back (despite Abby screaming for half the ride that she DID NOT NEED A NAP, which of course was more than enough proof that she most definitely did) and slept for another 45 minutes or so before waking and seeming out of sorts. Over the next hour she developed a fever, and then suddenly....B.A.R.F. PJ, Mommy, and couch were all sprayed. NICE.

She spent most of the afternoon nursing and sleeping, and threw up two more times. I put her to bed at 8, spent some time with Abby (who had napped for three hours!) and put her to bed at 9, and then tried to work on the children's book with Dan, but gave up at 10:15 because PJ kept waking up.

It wasn't a great night, but given how it could have been, it was not that bad at all. She never threw up, thank heavens, but we were downstairs at 1 and at 4. At 1 we gave her Motrin; she felt pretty warm and I had a feeling it was the fever making her uncomfortable. Went back to bed around 2, came back down at 4, and then just slept on the couch with her until 7.

This morning, you'd never know she'd been so miserable yesterday (except for the whiff of vomit I keep catching when he walks near me--bath time today!), though she does still feel a little warm. But she's eating solids and nursing and playing with Abby and repeatedly making this silly face with her lip curled up to her nose and her nose scrunched up; not sure why. (Maybe *she* keeps getting a whiff, too!) Oh, and she's dancing. How bad can she be if she's dancing??

And Abby...yesterday she sounded like she was going to lose her voice, and this morning she has a bit of a cough. So who knows what's developing there; hopefully noting. Maybe that 3 hour nap (that she DID NOT NEED) helped her to knock most of it out. Fingers crossed!


  1. Sick kids are absolutely NO fun. Hope PJ is completely on the mend, and that Nap Not Needed Abby stays well! Hang in there! :)

  2. It's been a couple of days... How's she doing now?

  3. They are both better! PJ is not a fun sick kid. Abby generally just winds down. PJ turns into a confused mess, constantly asking for one thing and then as soon as she gets it asking for another.

    It's really quite sad - and annoying. For instance, she will come into my office and beg me in tears to watch Kiki (Fresh Beat Band). I go put it on for her and she sits down in my seat on the couch - a favorite of the girls - and watches for maybe a couple of minutes. then she comes back into my office, her head down, her voice quivering, and softly says, "no tankoo, no tankoo, no tankoo" (no thank you). Then she hands me a Wiggles DVD and the process starts over. She just doesn't know what she wants and it breaks your heart watching her go through this.

    Anyways, while PJ still feel s little warm, she seems to be fine now for the most part. Abby is still dealing with a bit of a cough, but she is generally in good spirits and doing her thing. They will both go down for a nap today and that will probably help get us through to the other side.
