Saturday, January 30, 2010

Go Get It, Girl!

That's something you might hear if you were to eavesdrop on my girls playing. The problem is, we don't have a dog.

No, the girls have taken to a game, one you will most certainly be familiar with, whereby Abby tosses a little green fabric ball and yells, "Go get it, girl!" And by "girl" she means Penny. You would swear she has owned a dog by the sound and inflection of her voice. She evens leans down just a bit, her hands on her knees, grinning with wide expectant eyes at PJ. That's when PJ giggles, turns and runs after it. Yes, they are playing "fetch" and Penny is the puppy.

It might bother me more if it wasn't for the fact that PJ absolutely loves it. As if that wasn't enough, for some reason (remember, we don't have any dogs), Penny will take the retrieved ball, grip it in her teeth, and carry it back in her mouth before dropping it in Abby's open hands.

Part of me feels that I need to put a stop to it, but the other part can't stop laughing. Oh well. They're having fun. If PJ shows up one day with a collar and a leash, I'll step in.

- d

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