Now's your chance. Bring your libertarian or conservative values, Christian faith, and young children between 1 and 5 and get moved in. No young children? Then you better be my parents. I'll even help you move and I hate moving!*
Smith Family? Greena and Par? Cool people on GCM or CAP or both? Come on. You know you want to. Think of the children?
* by "help you move" I mean, I will stand around and chat with you on the day you move in, offering encouraging words and maybe a beverage. Unless their is a game on.
Just a thought on my part, but I'll just bet they want MONEY for it! IF that's the case, no can do!!!
How bout *liberal* values, Christian faith, and young children between 1 and 5? :) 2 out of 3 ain't bad!